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Text File | 1991-12-05 | 100.9 KB | 2,678 lines |
- P C - T r a c k
- V e r s i o n
- 2 . 1 4
- -----------------------------
- U S E R ' S
- G U I D E
- -----------------------------
- S i m p l i f i e d
- S a t e l l i t e
- T r a c k i n g
- Copyright (c)
- 1989-1991
- Thomas C. Johnson
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- P C - T r a c k T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
- INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- RUNNING PC-TRACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- USING THE ON-LINE HELP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
- SETUP OBSERVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- LATITUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- LONGITUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- MINIMUM ELEVATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- TIME ZONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- HEIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- SETUP SATELLITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- CATALOG (SATELLITE) NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- EPOCH YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- EPOCH DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- DECAY RATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- INCLINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- ECCENTRICITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- ARGUMENT OF PERIGEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- MEAN ANOMALY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- MEAN MOTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- REVOLUTION NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- FREQUENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- FINISHING UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- TRACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- GRAPHICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- Getting Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- OBSERVATION POINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- GLOBE VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- SATELLITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
- MAP/GLOBE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
- AZIMUTH/ELEVATION CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
- OBSERVATION POINT BOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
- STATUS BOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
- SATELLITES BOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
- DATE / TIME / INTERVAL BOX . . . . . . . . . . . 22
- P C - T r a c k T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
- TITLE BOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- HELP SCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- FUNCTION KEYS AVAILABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- TEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
- TEXT TRACKING SCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
- FUNCTION KEYS AVAILABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
- CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
- CONFIGURE DISPLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
- Selecting Text Color Category . . . . . . . . . . . 33
- Select Background Category . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
- Change Text Color (F5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
- Change Background Color (F6) . . . . . . . . . . . 34
- CONFIGURE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
- DEFAULT OBSERVATION POINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
- DEFAULT MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
- DEFAULT GLOBE VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
- DEFAULT SATELLITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
- DATA PATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
- MAP PATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
- METRIC SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
- UTC TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
- FINISHING UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
- CONFIGURE PRINTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
- Printer Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
- APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
- OBTAINING SATELLITE INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . 40
- APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
- APPENDIX C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
- GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- PC-TRACK has its origin in a satellite tracking program I wrote
- to track the OSCAR (Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio)
- series of amateur radio satellites back in 1980. That program was
- called OSCAR PATHFINDER and was the front cover feature article
- in the March 1982 edition of "73 Magazine For Radio Amateurs."
- That program was written for the Apple II Plus computer in
- Applesoft BASIC. It was a revolutionary program at that time in
- that it was the only program that tracked satellites in real time
- (the Apple had no clock) and displayed the satellite path on a
- map on the Apple graphics screen. It was capable of only tracking
- circular orbiting satellites, but that was not a problem at that
- time because all of the amateur radio satellites were in circular
- orbits.
- OSCAR PATHFINDER was so enthusiastically received that I made the
- decision to make some improvements to the program and offer it
- commercially. This led to a joint venture with a good friend of
- mine (Thomas K. Ryan) and we called it Computer Applications and
- with his marketing and businees management expertise sold quite a
- number of copies of Pathfinder II. We then developed a version
- of the program for the TRS-80 Model III computer called
- Pathfinder III. After a year or so of selling these packages, we
- decided (for various reasons) to pull the plug on this and go on
- to other things.
- Later, with the launch of several elliptical orbit amateur
- satellites, I tinkered with the program some more to include the
- math necessary to track such satellites. This resulted in
- Pathfinder X, which was never published, but I used it quite a
- bit at home for my own tracking needs. I had also started
- rewriting the program in UCSD Pascal because that offered a much
- more readable and manageable structure for the program.
- When I got my IBM PC/XT clone in 1985, I had a desire to port
- Pathfinder X over to my new "supercomputer" since it had an 8Mhz
- clock and would be able to do faster computations and have better
- graphics capabilities. Well, after many years of many
- distractions (other business ventures, kids being born, moving,
- etc.) I have finally put together my idea of a nifty package for
- tracking satellites, called PC-TRACK.
- PC-TRACK 1.1 was distributed late 1989. Version 2.0 contained new
- User Guide Page 1
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- features such as ability to track up to 8 satellites
- simultaneously, multiple maps of different continents, and a text
- track capability for non-EGA machines. Version 2.1 added 3D track
- capabilities.
- User Guide Page 2
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- Refer to the README file included on the distribution disk for
- instructions on how to get PC-TRACK installed and ready to run.
- To get PC-TRACK running all you have to enter at the DOS prompt
- is PCT <RETURN>.
- PC-TRACK begins by drawing the background screen. There will be
- a brief pause at this point while PC-TRACK loads in the help
- screens, data files, and graphics. This takes a few seconds
- (depending on the computer used). You will see a message at the
- bottom of the hello screen showing what data it is reading. Once
- initialization is completed, you are presented with the main menu
- screen. This is a small shadowed window on the left side of the
- screen with the 4 main options listed.
- The four options are SETUP, TRACK, CONFIGURE, and QUIT.
- Selecting one of these options is done simply by moving the
- cursor (shown by the selected name being in a different color
- than the rest of the options listed) so that it highlights the
- module desired and pressing the RETURN key.
- PC-TRACK ASSISTANT, the on-line help system for PC-TRACK , is
- available from anywhere in the program and can be accessed simply
- by pressing the F1 key. The information presented on the help
- screen will depend on where you are in the program.
- For example, if you are in the SETUP SATELLITES option with the
- cursor on the NAME field and you press the F1 key, the help
- screen will pop up and tell you how to enter information in the
- NAME field.
- Once you are in the help system, you may browse through the
- information provided by pressing the Page Up, Page Down, Up
- Arrow, or Down Arrow. Page Up does the same thing as the Up
- User Guide Page 3
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- Arrow key and Page Down does the same thing as the Down Arrow
- key. You may get back to the original screen by pressing the HOME
- key.
- When going "down" in the system, you will be able to step through
- every screen in the help system. When going "up", you will skip
- up to the top screen of the previous major topic in the system.
- This allows you to move quickly through the screens to the one
- you wish to see.
- User Guide Page 4
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The SETUP module is the built-in data manager for the satellites
- and observation points to be used in PC-TRACK. With it you can
- enter, edit, and delete all information necessary to do satellite
- tracking with PC-TRACK quite easily.
- To select the SETUP module, move the cursor using the arrow keys
- until it highlights SETUP and press the RETURN key. (Or just
- press S.) A second menu window will appear with the options
- OBSERVERS and SATELLITES. The OBSERVERS option handles data for
- the observation points and SATELLITES handles the data for the
- satellites. Select the desired option by again moving the cursor
- to highlight the one you want.
- There are various keys that will assist you in the entry and
- editing of observer or satellite data while in the SETUP module.
- They are as follows:
- This key allows you to create a new entry in the
- observer/satellite file where information about a new
- observer/satellite can be put. When this key is pressed, all
- the screen fields are cleared so you can begin entering new
- information.
- This key does just the opposite of the F2 key. It PERMANENTLY
- removes the currently visible observer/satellite from the
- file. Since this action is PERMANENT and IRREVOCABLE, a
- warning window pops up to alert you to the fact that this will
- occur if you continue. If you press RETURN in response to the
- warning window prompt, you will remove that observer/satellite
- from the file. If you press ESC or any other key, you will not
- remove the observer/satellite and you will go back to where
- you were when you pressed the F3 key.
- This key will display the previous observer/satellite in the
- file. Observers/satellites are stored in the file in
- alphabetical order. Once the observer/satellite you desire is
- visible on the screen, you may edit any of its fields. If you
- step past the first observer/satellite in the file, the last
- will be displayed.
- User Guide Page 5
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- This key will display the next observer/satellite in the file.
- If you go past the last observer/satellite in the file, the
- first will be displayed.
- User Guide Page 6
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The OBSERVERS option opens up the data entry window on the right
- side of the screen. This window shows the six fields (pieces of
- information) held for each observation point you have in the
- file.
- The six pieces of information necessary to describe an
- observation point are as follows:
- This field is your way of easily identifying each of the
- observation points you have in your file. This is a text field
- with room for up to 30 characters (anything you want).
- For example, you can put the names of the nearest associated
- city with the state, such as Dayton, Ohio. Or if you have a
- lot of observation points entered, you might devise some
- numbering system to systematic identify each location. This
- could be something like OH-39N-84W, which would be a location
- in the state of Ohio, near 39 north latitude and 84 west
- longitude. I'm sure you can devise some more sensible system
- because as you see below the latitude and longitude are
- already included.
- This along with longitude defines the location of the
- observation point.
- Latitude is entered as degrees and decimal fractions of
- degrees. Latitude will be entered as a positive number if it
- is in the northern hemisphere and negative (-) for those in
- the southern hemisphere.
- For example a position with a northern hemisphere latitude of
- 34 degrees, 30 minutes, and 15 seconds would be entered as
- 34.5042. That same latitude in the southern hemisphere would
- be entered as -34.5042.
- This may be entered as a number between -90.0 to 90.0.
- This along with latitude defines the location on earth of the
- User Guide Page 7
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- observation point.
- Longitude is entered like latitude as degrees and decimal
- fractions of degrees.
- Longitude is entered as positive values for the western
- hemisphere (North and South America, Greenland, etc.) and
- negative for the eastern hemisphere (Europe, Asia, Russia,
- etc). This may be entered as a number between -180.0 and
- 180.0.
- This figure describes the lowest elevation at which the
- satellite may be visible from the observation point. An
- observation point with a perfectly clear horizon around it
- would have a minimum elevation of 0.0 degrees. If there are
- mountains or buildings around it the minimum elevation would
- be higher.
- This may be entered as a number between 0.0 and 90.0.
- This number is used as a filter for displaying and printing
- azimuth/elevation data. Only satellite look angles with
- elevations above the minimum will be displayed or printed.
- This describes the number of hours from UTC time (Coordinated
- Universal Time) your local time zone is. Time zones in the
- western hemisphere are entered as negative while eastern
- hemisphere zones are entered as positive. For example, Eastern
- Standard Time would be entered as -5 hours from UTC time.
- Pacific Standard Time would be -8 hours.
- Time Zone may be entered as whole numbers between -12 and 12.
- NOTE: If you desire to track using UTC time, make sure your
- DOS clock is set to UTC time (you can use the F10 key while
- tracking) and use the CONFIG SYSTEM option to tell PC-TRACK
- To use UTC time.
- This describes the height your observation point is above Mean
- Sea Level (MSL).
- User Guide Page 8
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- If you are not sure what the height is for the observation
- point, enter 0.0.
- Height may be entered as any value between -400.00 and 30,000
- feet or between -122 and 9150 meters.
- User Guide Page 9
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The SATELLITES option also opens up the data entry window on the
- right side of the screen. This window shows the twelve fields
- used for each satellite you have in the file. This information is
- available from a number of sources. See Appendix A for the
- cheapest and most reliable source for this information. The
- twelve pieces of information necessary to describe a satellite
- are as follows:
- This is a 11 character field which you can use to name the
- satellite for easy identification.
- This is a 5 digit number assigned to each satellite. It is
- used as the reference number in the NASA source identified in
- Appendix A.
- This is the year of the specific time the rest of the data for
- the satellite is effective. When entering Epoch year, make
- sure you include all 4 digits of the year, ie. 1989. Some data
- sets such as those from NASA include only the last 2 digits of
- the year. PC-Track requires all 4.
- This is the day and fraction of day for the specific time the
- data is effective. This number defines both the julian day
- (the whole number part of the value) and the time of day
- (fractional part of the value) of the data set.
- The julian day figure is simply the count of the number of
- days that particular date is from the beginning of the year.
- (January 1 would have a julian day of 1. Feb 28 would be 59.)
- This number may range from 1.0 to 366.999999999 (taking into
- account leap years).
- This is the rate of decay of the orbital period (time it takes
- User Guide Page 10
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- to complete one revolution) due to atmospheric friction and
- other factors. It is a real number measured in terms of
- Revolutions per Day per Day (REV/DAY/DAY).
- This number describes the angle of the plane of the orbit in
- relationship to the earths equator.
- Inclination is 0 degrees for a satellite orbiting directly
- over the earths equator and orbiting in the same direction as
- the earths rotation. It is 180 degrees for an satellite
- revolving directly over the equator counter to earths
- rotation. An satellite orbiting directly over the poles would
- have an inclination of 90 degrees.
- Inclination is given as a real number of degrees between 0.0
- and 180.0 degrees.
- This value describes the point the satellites crosses the
- equator from the southern hemisphere to the northern
- hemisphere (ascending node). This measured eastward along the
- equator from the vernal equinox (right ascension).
- It is given and entered as a real number of degrees from 0.0
- to 360.0 degrees.
- This is a unitless number which describes the shape of the
- orbit in terms of how close to a perfect circle it is. This
- number is given in the range of 0.0 to less than 1.0.
- An perfectly circular orbit would have an eccentricity of 0.0.
- A number greater than 0.0 would represent an elliptical orbit
- with an increasingly flattened shape as the value approaches
- 1.0.
- This value is the number of degrees from the ascending node
- the perigee point occurs. The perigee point is the point where
- the satellite is the closest to the earth (assuming an orbit
- which is elliptical to some degree).
- User Guide Page 11
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- This number may be entered as a real value between 0.0 and
- 360.0.
- This number represents the angular distance from the perigee
- point (closest point) to the satellites mean position. This is
- measured in degrees along the orbital plane in the direction
- of motion.
- This number is entered like the argument of perigee, as a
- value between 0.0 and 360.0.
- This is the number of complete revolutions the satellite makes
- in one day.
- This number may be entered as a value greater than 0.0 and
- less than 20.0.
- This represents the number of revolutions the satellite has
- completed at the epoch time and date.
- This number is entered as an integer value between 1 and
- 99999.
- This represents any downlink frequency that may be of
- importance to you. This frequency will be displayed on the
- screens and printed on the printout and will be adjusted
- according to the computed doppler shift associated with the
- relative range rate between the observer and the satellite.
- This number is entered between 0.0 and 9999.999999 and
- represents MHZ (megahertz).
- When all of the pieces of information have been input for an
- satellite and you have no other satellites to enter, press ESC
- to get back to the main menu.
- User Guide Page 12
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- User Guide Page 13
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The TRACK module is the heart of PC-TRACK. It is where the
- satellite positions and look angles are computed. Moving the
- cursor to this option brings up a choice of either GRAPHICS or
- TEXT. Select the type of tracking you desire. If you do not have
- an EGA video adapter, you must select the TEXT option.
- The GRAPHICS TRACK option is the heart of PC-TRACK. It tracks up
- to eight satellites at once on the EGA graphics screen. It can
- display satellites using two types of graphic projections, either
- spherical or Mercator.
- Spherical projections are shown on an image of the earth and
- plotted in such a way as to give a 3 dimensional effect. There
- are 4 different views of the earth for each of the two sizes
- available. The view of the globe is from the equator, at the
- longitude chosen when selecting the globe view (when setting up
- prior to tracking or with the F7 key). For example, selecting the
- 90 W Lon globe view will show you the earth from 0 deg latitude
- (equator) and 90 deg west longitude. The view on the screen will
- always be from that reference point, so the shapes of the
- satellite orbits will look somewhat twisted due to the effect of
- the rotation of the earth.
- Mercator projections will show the positions of the satellites on
- flat maps, with the inherent distortion that provides. It does
- however, give a somewhat more accurate picture of the current
- satellite position, particularly at higher latitudes. Due to
- extreme distortions at latitudes approaching the poles, the
- mercator projections only display positions to 80 degrees.
- NOTE: If either observer, satellite, or graphics data has
- not been loaded due to an improper path designation or some
- other reason, then tracking will not begin when you select
- this option. An error window will appear indicating the
- reason why tracking cannot begin. Pressing RETURN will put
- you back at the TRACK window. If this occurs, you must
- either check the paths or enter new data (for observers or
- satellites).
- Getting Ready
- User Guide Page 14
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- Selecting this option brings up a screen with four items to
- select; the observation point, the map to use, the globe view to
- use, and the satellite(s) to track.
- The default observation point selected in the CONFIG SYSTEM
- option will appear. To change that observation point, use the up
- and down arrow keys to select the new one desired. Press RETURN
- to proceed or ESC to go back to the MAIN MENU. The observation
- points displayed will be the ones in the OBSERVER database
- defined using the SETUP OBSERVERS option.
- Once you select an observation point, the default map identified
- in the CONFIG SYSTEM option is shown initially. To select some
- other map, simply use the up and down arrow keys to show the
- names of the available maps. When the one you want is visible,
- press the RETURN key to proceed or the ESC key to go back to the
- Once you select an map, the default globe view identified in the
- CONFIG SYSTEM option will appear. To select some other globe
- view, simply use the up and down arrow keys to show the names of
- the available views. When the one you want is visible, press the
- RETURN key to proceed or the ESC key to go back to the MAIN MENU.
- REMEMBER: You must have the MAPx.IMG and GLOBEx.IMG files in
- the map path specified in the SETUP SYSTEM option.
- Otherwise, no map or globe will be displayed during
- tracking.
- PC-TRACK is capable of tracking up to 8 satellites
- simultaneously. The selection of the ones to track is done as
- follows:
- There are 8 "slots" available to select satellites. Each slot may
- have any one of the satellites defined in the SETUP SATELLITES
- option. The cursor is initially positioned in slot number 1. The
- default satellites identified in the CONFIG SYSTEM option are
- shown. At this point you may:
- User Guide Page 15
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- Press the Page Up or Page Down key. This will move you to the
- next slot up or down. If you press the page down key, the
- cursor will move to the next slot down, and the next satellite
- down in the database will be showing. If you press the page up
- key, the cursor will move to the next slot up (will wrap to
- the bottom if you are at the top) and display the previous
- satellite in the database (will also wrap the bottom of the
- database if at the top).
- Press the Up or Down arrow key. This will change the satellite
- displayed to the previous or next satellite in the database.
- The up arrow will select previous satellite, the down arrow
- key will select the next.
- Press the Home Key to clear the current slot and move the
- cursor to the previous slot. This is handy to unselect a slot.
- You may fill any or all slots with satellites. You do not
- necessarily have to fill them all. You may have blanks slots.
- For example, you could set it up so there are only 2
- satellites to track, one in slot 2 and one in slot 7. It's up
- to you.
- Press RETURN to complete the selection process and begin
- tracking.
- Remember, the Page Up and Page Down keys select the slot, the
- arrow keys select the satellite to go into the slot, the home key
- clears a slot, and the RETURN key finishes the selection process
- and starts tracking.
- Tracking
- During the tracking process information is provided within a
- number of separate boxes on the graphics screen. The general
- locations of these boxes on the track screen and the information
- presented are described below. The layout of the screen depends
- on which projection is selected and for mercator projections,
- what size maps are selected.
- User Guide Page 16
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- |===============================================================|
- ||========================================================||===||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || T ||
- || || ||
- || || I ||
- || || ||
- || || T ||
- || || ||
- || || L ||
- || || ||
- || M A P O R G L O B E || E ||
- || || ||
- || B O X || ||
- || || ||
- || || B ||
- || || ||
- || || O ||
- || || ||
- || || X ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- ||--------------------------------------------------------||---||
- | |----------------||
- ||--------------------------------------------| ||
- || BOX | B O X ||
- ||-------------------------------------------------------------||
- |---------------------------------------------------------------|
- User Guide Page 17
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- User Guide Page 18
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- |---------------------------------------------------------------|
- ||----------------------------------------||-------------------||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || || AZIMUTH/ ||
- || || ||
- || || ELEVATION ||
- || M A P || ||
- || || CHART ||
- || || ||
- || A R E A || ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- || ||-------------------||
- || ||-------------------||
- || || ||
- || || OBSERVATION ||
- || || POINT ||
- || || BOX ||
- || || ||
- || || ||
- ||----------------------------------------||-------------------||
- ||----------------------------------------------||-------------||
- || || ||
- || || STATUS ||
- || S A T E L L I T E || BOX ||
- || || ||
- || B O X ||-------------||
- || ||-------------||
- || || ||
- || || TITLE ||
- || || ||
- || || BOX ||
- |------------------------------------------------| ||
- |------------------------------------------------| ||
- || BOX || ||
- ||----------------------------------------------||-------------||
- |---------------------------------------------------------------|
- User Guide Page 19
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- This is the area where the maps of various portions of the world
- are displayed for use in plotting the current satellite
- positions.
- The AZEL chart shows graphically the look angles (azimuth and
- elevation) for each satellite. When a satellite is visible to the
- observation point (defined as when the elevation is greater than
- the minimum elevation defined in the SETUP OBSERVERS option) the
- reference number associated with the satellite is displayed on
- the chart. The number will be placed on the chart based on the
- current azimuth (bearing) and elevation needed to point an
- antenna (or to look) at the satellite from the observation point.
- The distance from the center of the chart represents the
- elevation. The farther the point is from the center, the lower
- the elevation. Elevation is indicated by the numbers shown along
- the horizontal line on the chart. The center represents 90
- degrees elevation or directly overhead.
- The angular displacement from the vertical line represents the
- azimuth from the observation point to the satellite. Azimuths is
- numbered clockwise around the outside of the outermost circle
- drawn on the chart. Zero degrees azimuth (straight up) represents
- true north.
- This box displays the name, latitude and longitude of the current
- observation point.
- This box shows the status of the various modes available. The
- messages which will show up in this box are as follows...
- REAL TIME TRACK - Indicates PC-TRACK is tracking the
- satellite in real time. This is enabled by the F2 key.
- FAST TRACK - Indicates PC-TRACK is computing and displaying
- satellite positions as fast as possible ignoring the internal
- User Guide Page 20
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- clock. This is enabled by the F2 key.
- PAUSING - Indicates PC-TRACK has temporarily halted the
- tracking process after the F3 key was pressed, and is waiting
- for the F3 key to be pressed again to resume tracking.
- PRINTING - Indicates printing is enabled and depending on
- which ground track mode is selected, will print satellite
- position and look angles for the satellite selected. The
- satellite selected will have its name displayed in a different
- color than the rest of the satellites listed in the SATELLITES
- box. Printing is enabled by the F4 key.
- G.T. (IR) - Indicates that a + will be placed on the map and
- the AZEL chart for each sub-satellite point in which the
- satellite is in range of the observation point when using
- Mercator projections. Will mark satellite position and in-
- range points when using spherical projections. Enabled by the
- F6 key.
- G.T. (C) - Indicates that a + will be placed on the map and
- the AZEL chart for each sub-satellite point computed for
- Mercator projections and mark satellite position and ground
- track for spherical projections. This is the default
- condition, and can be changed by the F6 key.
- AUTOMAP - Indicates PC-TRACK will automatically select a map
- or globe which will display the position of the currently
- selected satellite (selected by PGUP/PGDN keys). This is
- enabled by the F9 key.
- The satellite box shows all the information relating to the
- current position of the satellites begin tracked. The following
- information is displayed for each satellite:
- Reference Number: This is the number associated with the
- satellite, which shows up on the map and the azel chart to
- show its current position.
- Name: This is the name given to the satellite in the SETUP
- SATELLITES option.
- Latitude: Latitude of the current sub-satellite point.
- User Guide Page 21
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- Longitude: Longitude of the current sub-satellite point.
- Altitude: Current altitude of the satellite. This will be in
- either kilometers or statute miles depending on what you have
- configured the program to display in the CONFIG SYSTEM option.
- Elevation: When the satellite is visible to the observation
- point, the current elevation will be displayed here.
- Azimuth: When the satellite is visible to the observation
- point, the current azimuth will be displayed here.
- Range: This is the current distance (again, either KM or
- Statute Miles) from the observation point to the satellite.
- This is displayed only when the satellite is visible to the
- observation point.
- Frequency: This is the base frequency defined for the
- satellite in the SETUP SATELLITES option adjusted for doppler
- shift. This is displayed only when the satellite is visible to
- the observation point.
- Phase: This is the current Mean Anomaly normalized to a range
- of 0 to 255. This is essentially the portion of the orbital
- period which has elapsed since last perigee passage. For
- example, 0 will be at perigee and 128 will be at apogee.
- Currently Selected Satellite: This is shown by having the
- selected satellites name displayed in a different color. This
- may be changed by using PGUP and PGDN keys.
- PC-TRACK is a time based tracking package, which means that it
- first obtains a date and time and then figures out where the
- satellite is using that date and time. This box displays the
- current date and time used to compute the current satellite
- position.
- The interval is added to the current track time (shown in the
- DATE TIME INTERVAL BOX) to generate the next date and time
- needed. This interval is initially set to 1 second. It may be
- modified as described below when in the Fast Track Mode. Interval
- is fixed at 1 second and not displayed in Real Time Mode.
- User Guide Page 22
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- For example, if the current time shown is 09:03:32, and the
- interval is 00:00:05 (5 seconds) then the next time used to
- compute the satellite position will be 09:03:37.
- This is where the advertisement goes.
- When the F1 help key is pressed a portion of the track screen is
- used by the PC-TRACK ASSISTANT to display the various help
- screens. This is the very same help system used in other parts of
- the program. When you are done with the help system, press ESC
- and the track screen will be restored as it was before help was
- requested.
- There are several function keys available to control various
- features of PC-TRACK which affect the tracking process. They are
- described as follows...
- F1 - HELP
- This is the key which brings up the PC-TRACK ASSISTANT as
- described earlier. It functions exactly as it does anywhere
- else in the program except the help screens show in the area
- of the world map. Once you exit the help system, the world map
- is restored to its original condition before help began.
- This key controls the tracking mode of PC-TRACK. When tracking
- first begins, it is in the REAL TIME TRACK mode. This means
- the position displayed represents the actual satellite
- position according to the time set in the computer (DOS time).
- The displays will be updated at the time interval shown in the
- TIME INTERVAL BOX (fixed to 1 second).
- Pressing the F2 key changes this to the FAST TRACK mode. This
- mode ignores the clock in the computer and simply computes and
- displays the satellite positions as fast as it can. The time
- between each point computed is determined by the time interval
- shown in the TIME INTERVAL box. This time interval is
- changeable according to the procedures shown below.
- The F2 key acts as a "toggle". This means that if you press it
- User Guide Page 23
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- once, the mode changes to FAST TRACK. When you press it again,
- the mode changes back to REAL TIME TRACK. Pressing it again
- changes the mode again to FAST TRACK, etc.
- This key may be pressed at any time during tracking to
- "freeze" the display. This stops all computations and simply
- waits for the F3 key to be pressed again. Once it is pressed
- again, normal tracking resumes. When in the PAUSE mode, all of
- the other function keys perform normally.
- This key enables output to be sent to the printer during the
- tracking process. The amount of data sent to the printer is
- determined by the ground track mode selected. If ground track
- is disabled, or in the IR mode, then just points with
- elevations above the minimum elevation will be printed. If
- ground track is in the C mode, then all points will be
- printed. The currently selected satellite will have its data
- printed.
- The F5 key simply redraws the Map or Globe and the
- Azimuth/Elevation chart to remove clutter from extended use of
- ground tracks.
- In the ground track mode, PC-TRACK plots the path each
- satellite has taken by marking each point plotted. There are 3
- possible modes of ground track...
- - IR
- - CONT
- GROUND TRACK DISABLED - No path will be plotted on the maps,
- globes, or AZEL chart. Just the satellite reference numbers
- will be visible. Pressing the F6 key at this point will put
- ground track into the IR mode.
- GROUND TRACK (In Range) - The STATUS BOX will display "G.T.
- (IR)". With Mercator projections leaves a ground track only
- when the satellite is in range. With spherical projections
- the ground track is shown by displaying each sub-satellite
- point with a black '+' on the globe. In addition to this a
- white point is placed in space showing the current satellite
- User Guide Page 24
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- position for each position computed, whether in-range or
- not.
- With mercator projections, a '+' is placed on the maps and
- the AZEL chart at the current sub-satellite point.
- Pressing the F6 key at this point will put ground track in
- the CONT mode.
- GROUND TRACK (Continuous) - The STATUS BOX will display
- "G.T.(C)". This is the condition in effect when tracking
- begins. This leaves a ground track continuously. With
- spherical projections, a black '+' is placed on the globe at
- each subsatellite point that is in-range of the observation
- point and a light blue '+' for all other subsatellite
- points. White points represent the actual satellite position
- in space as described above.
- With mercator projections, A '+' is placed on the map and
- the AZEL chart at each sub-satellite location computed.
- Pressing the F6 key at this point will turn off ground
- track.
- This allows you to change the map or globe view during
- tracking. This brings up the same selection of maps or globe
- views which were available when setting up to track. You may
- select a new map or globe view simply by pressing either the
- up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired map or
- view is shown. You may then press either ESC to keep then
- existing map or RETURN to begin using the new map or globe
- view selected. This key is functional only when AUTOMAP is
- disabled.
- When using spherical projections, changing globe views may be
- accomplished more rapidly by pressing ctrl or ctrl
- (control right arrow or control left arrow).
- NOTE: Depending on what map or globe view you select, the
- observation point may not be visible on the new map.
- This feature enables you to switch between the two types of
- projections available for displaying the satellite position
- User Guide Page 25
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- (Mercator and Spherical).
- If you cannot locate a satellite on the screen when using the
- Mercator projection world maps, check to the latitude, it will
- most likely be above 80 deg (north or south) which is not
- displayed in that projection.
- This feature changes the size of the projection currently
- being viewed. When using spherical projection, this will just
- change the size of the globe.
- When using mercator projections, this will change the entire
- screen layout as described earlier. With a small screen size
- selected, you will see the satellite, AZEL, observer, and
- status boxes.
- This allows you to change the observation point during
- tracking. This brings up the same selection of observation
- points which were available when setting up to track. You may
- select a new observation point simply by pressing either the
- up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired
- observation point is shown. You may then press either ESC to
- keep existing observer or RETURN to select the new observer.
- NOTE: If you are tracking with local times, the position(s) of
- the satellite(s) may change, since the time zone offset for
- the new observation point may be different than that of the
- old one. This will result in a different effective UTC time,
- which is used to predict the satellite(s) position(s).
- This enables the automatic map/globe view selection feature
- which checks the current position of the selected satellite
- and makes sure it is visible on the currently displayed map or
- globe. If not, it will check the available maps or globes and
- select the next one which will show the position of the
- satellite.
- This key works like a toggle, ie. pressing once enables it,
- pressing again disables it. Whatever map or globe view was
- visible at the time AUTOMAP was disabled will remain on the
- screen until AUTOMAP is again enabled or a new map or globe
- view is selected using F7.
- User Guide Page 26
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- This key will take the currently displayed date and time and
- set the DOS clock with them.
- This allows you to easily change the real time clock to a
- desired date and time. The date and time are changed by using
- the arrow keys.
- NOTE: If you set the DOS clock with this option, the clock
- will retain that new time even after quitting PC-TRACK.
- When in the FAST TRACK mode, you have the ability to change
- the date, time and interval to whatever you wish.
- To make changes, use the left and right arrow keys to move the
- highlighted cursor to whatever parameter you wish to change.
- For example after pressing F2 and getting into FAST TRACK
- mode, the highlighted cursor will not be visible, but pressing
- the left arrow key will highlight the SECONDS portion of the
- INTERVAL. This shows that you may now either increase or
- decrease that number. Once the parameter you wish to change is
- highlighted, you may do so by using the up and down arrow
- keys.
- The + or - sign associated with the interval shows the
- direction in time the interval is changing the computed time.
- If it is + (positive) then the computed time will be increase,
- if it is - (negative) then the computed time will decrease.
- If the interval is set to 00:00:00, then you may experiment
- with the date and time and compute the satellite position for
- a specific point in time and study it while PC-TRACK keeps
- computing all data. This is different than the pause (F3)
- feature which freezes computations.
- NOTE: When the increment is 00:00:00, the frequency computed
- and displayed for visible satellites using the small
- Mercator projection will not show the doppler shift
- incorporated in the displayed value.
- This changes the currently selected satellite shown
- highlighted in the SATELLITES box.
- User Guide Page 27
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The currently selected satellite is the one which will have
- its data sent to the printer and will be used in the AUTOMAP
- mode to determine the currently visible map/globe view.
- User Guide Page 28
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The TEXT TRACK option is provided for computers which do not have
- an EGA graphics display capability.
- NOTE: If either observer or satellite data has not been
- loaded due to an improper path designation or some other
- reason, then tracking will not begin when you select this
- option. An error window will appear indicating the reason
- why tracking cannot begin. Pressing RETURN will put you back
- at the TRACK window. If this occurs, you must either check
- the paths or enter new data (for observers or satellites).
- Selecting this option brings up a screen with three items to
- select; The satellite, Observation point, and printing
- instructions.
- As described earlier, your selections are made by simply using
- either the Up or Down Key. Once the desired satellite or
- observation point is visible, press RETURN. To go back to the
- MAIN MENU, press the ESC key.
- The initial satellite shown will be the number one default
- satellite (the top one) identified in the CONFIG SYSTEM option.
- The initial observation point will also be the default.
- After selecting which satellite to track and the observation
- point, you will be asked to define what data is to be printed (if
- printing is enabled) during track. You have a choice of either
- printing every point computed or only those which have elevations
- greater than the minimum elevation defined for that observation
- point. The desired answer is again provided by using the Up or
- Down keys and pressing RETURN.
- Tracking will then begin.
- User Guide Page 29
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- |---------------------------------------------------------------|
- | |
- | 39.45N Lat 84.15W Lon Time Zone: -5 |
- | MINIMUM ELEVATION: 2.00 HEIGHT ABOVE M.S.L.: 500 (Meters) |
- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | Date Time (UTC) Interval |
- | June 13, 1990 07:43:14 + 00:10:00 |
- | ********** S A T E L L I T E D A T A ********** |
- | Revolution Number Phase |
- | 2469 31 |
- | Latitude Longitude Altitude (KM) |
- | 82.1 S 67.35 W 2950 |
- | |
- | ********** T R A C K I N G D A T A *********** |
- |Azimuth Elevation Slant Range (KM) |
- | 155.55 11.50 4923.4 |
- | Range Rate (KM/Sec) Frequency (MHZ) |
- | 2.0 145.808413 |
- |---------------------------------------------------------------|
- This screen displays essentially the same information displayed
- by the graphics screen (except for only one satellite). The top
- of the screen displays the name of the satellite and the
- observation point information. This information is simply the
- information entered using the SETUP OBSERVER option.
- Revolution number and Range Rate are provided on this screen,
- while they are not in the graphics tracking mode. The range rate
- is the change in distance between the observation point and the
- satellite. If it is positive, the distance is increasing. Range
- rate determines the doppler shift of the downlink frequency.
- There are several function keys available to control various
- features of PC-TRACK which affect the tracking process. They are
- described as follows...
- User Guide Page 30
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- F1 - HELP
- This is the key which brings up the PC-TRACK ASSISTANT as
- described earlier.
- This key controls the tracking mode of PC-TRACK. When tracking
- first begins, it is in the REAL TIME TRACK mode. This means
- the position displayed represents the actual satellite
- position according to the time set in the computer (DOS time).
- The displays will be updated at the time interval shown in the
- TIME INTERVAL (fixed to 1 second).
- Pressing the F2 key changes this to the FAST TRACK mode. This
- mode ignores the clock in the computer and simply computes and
- displays satellite positions as fast as it can. The time
- between each point computed is determined by the time interval
- shown in TIME INTERVAL. This time interval is changeable
- according to the procedures described below.
- The F2 key acts as a "toggle". This means that if you press it
- once, the mode changes to FAST TRACK. When you press it again,
- the mode changes back to REAL TIME TRACK. Pressing it again
- changes the mode again to FAST TRACK, etc.
- This key may be pressed at any time during tracking to
- "freeze" the display. This stops all computations and simply
- waits for the F3 key to be pressed again. Once it is pressed
- again, normal tracking resumes. While in the pause mode, you
- may make changes to the time increment (described below), turn
- the printer on or off, and select Real Time or Fast Track
- mode.
- This key enables output to be sent to the printer during the
- tracking process. The amount of data sent to the printer is
- determined by your response to the prompt during the SELECT
- process just before tracking began, either all data or just
- points with elevations above the minimum elevation.
- NOTE: If PC-TRACK encounters a problem trying to print (out
- of paper, off-line, turned off, etc.) printing will
- automatically be disabled, and the PRINTING message at the
- lower portion of the screen will disappear. Tracking will
- continue.
- User Guide Page 31
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The F4 key operates as a toggle just as the F2 and F3 keys. If
- printing is enabled, just press F4 again to turn it off.
- When in the FAST TRACK mode, you have the ability to change
- the date, time and interval to whatever you wish.
- To make changes, use the left and right arrow keys to move the
- highlighted cursor to whatever parameter you wish to change.
- For example after pressing F2 and getting into FAST TRACK
- mode, the highlighted cursor will not be visible, but pressing
- the left arrow key will highlight the SECONDS portion of the
- INTERVAL. This shows that you may now either increase or
- decrease that number. Once the parameter you wish to change is
- highlighted, you may do so by using the up and down arrow
- keys.
- The + or - sign associated with the interval shows the
- direction in time the interval is changing the computed time.
- If it is + (positive) then the computed time will be increase,
- if it is - (negative) then the computed time will decrease.
- If the interval is set to 00:00:00, then you may experiment
- with the date and time and compute the satellite position for
- a specific point in time and study it while PC-TRACK keeps
- computing all data. This is different than the pause (F3)
- feature which freezes computations.
- NOTE: When the increment is 00:00:00, the frequency computed
- and displayed for visible points will not show the doppler
- shift incorporated in the displayed value.
- User Guide Page 32
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- This module allows you to modify certain things about the program
- which affect the way the program operates. The things you can
- change are text screen colors, printer control codes, distance
- and time units, and the file paths.
- This option allows you to easily change the colors you see on the
- screen displays. This way you can get the screen displays to look
- the way you want. You are able to see the effects of changes on
- the screen while you make them. You can make changes to both the
- background and text colors with simple key strokes. These colors
- are effective throughout PC-TRACK , including the graphics
- screen. The only colors which are not affected are the maps,
- globe views, the AZEL chart displays and the satellite position
- marks on them.
- NOTE: While graphics mode tracking is not possible on a
- monochrome video system, all of the rest of PC-TRACK is,
- including the text base track screen. Using the color
- configuration option here will enable the colors to be
- manipulated until the correct gray shades are achieved in
- order to see the display adequately.
- Here's how to do it...
- Information is displayed on the screen in the form of a matrix
- (table) using 7 different categories for the text and background
- colors...
- - SHADOW COLOR (Background only)
- Only the combinations used in PC-TRACK are shown on the matrix.
- The colors for both the background and text colors can be
- selected for each of these categories.
- Selecting Text Color Category
- User Guide Page 33
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- Using the Left and Right arrow keys selects the category for text
- color changes. The currently selected category is shown by a down
- arrow pointing to it along the top of the matrix.
- Select Background Category
- Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select the category for
- background color changes. The currently selected category is
- shown by a right arrow pointing to it along the left side of the
- matrix.
- Change Text Color (F5)
- Pressing this key changes the color of the currently selected
- text category. There are 16 colors to choose from.
- Change Background Color (F6)
- Pressing this key changes the color of the currently selected
- background category. There are 2 sets of 8 identical colors. One
- set causes the text to be non-blinking while the other causes
- blinking text.
- User Guide Page 34
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- This option allows you to define the default observation point,
- map, and satellites to use in the TRACK option. This will enable
- to you set up PC-TRACK to track the satellites you want and then
- not have to go through the process again unless you wish to
- change it. This reduces the effort needed to begin tracking to
- just a few keystrokes. It also allows you to define whether or
- not to use metric measurements, Coordinated Universal Time, and
- where PC-TRACK looks on your disk to find the files it needs to
- operate with.
- The default observation point is selected first. The initial
- observation point to appear is either the first one in the
- observer database (if none is already selected), or the one
- previously selected. To change that observation point, use the up
- and down arrow keys to select the new one desired. Press RETURN
- to proceed or ESC to finish making changes in the CONFIG SYSTEM
- option. The observation points displayed will be the ones in the
- OBSERVER database defined using the SETUP OBSERVERS option.
- NOTE: If there are no observers in the database (either none
- entered yet or the DATA PATH is incorrect), this part will
- be skipped. You will not be able to select a default
- observer.
- Once you select an observation point, the default map is
- identified. To select a map, simply use the up and down arrow
- keys to show the names of the available maps. When the one you
- want is visible, press the RETURN key to proceed or the ESC key
- to finish up with CONFIG SYSTEM.
- NOTE: If there are no maps in the MAP PATH identified below,
- this part will be skipped. You will not be able to select a
- default map.
- Once you select a map, the default globe view is identified. To
- select another globe view, simply use the up and down arrow keys
- to show the names of the available views. When the one you want
- User Guide Page 35
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- is visible, press the RETURN key to proceed or the ESC key to
- finish up with CONFIG SYSTEM.
- NOTE: If there are no globes in the MAP PATH identified
- below, this part will be skipped. You will not be able to
- select a default globe view.
- PC-TRACK is capable of storing up to 200 satellites in its
- database (using SETUP SATELLITES) and tracking up to 8 satellites
- simultaneously. This option selects up to 8 of the possible 200
- to be initially selected for GRAPHICS TRACK.
- There are 8 "slots" available to select satellites. Each slot may
- have any one of the satellites defined in the SETUP SATELLITES
- option. You are initially positioned in slot number 1.
- NOTE: If there are no satellites in the database (either
- none entered yet or the DATA PATH is incorrect), this part
- will be skipped. You will not be able to select any default
- satellites.
- At this point you may:
- Press the Page Up or Page Down key. This will move you to the
- next slot up or down. If you press the page down key, the
- cursor will move to the next slot down, and the next satellite
- down in the database will be showing. If you press the page up
- key, the cursor will move to the next slot up (will wrap to
- the bottom if you are at the top) and display the previous
- satellite in the database (will also wrap the bottom of the
- database if at the top).
- Press the Up or Down arrow key. This will change the satellite
- displayed to the next or previous satellite in the database.
- The up arrow will select previous satellite, the down arrow
- key will select the next.
- Press the Home Key to clear the current slot and move the
- cursor to the previous slot. This is handy to unselect a slot.
- You may fill any or all slots with satellites. You do not
- necessarily have to fill them all. You may have blanks slots.
- For example, you could set it up so there are only 2
- satellites to track, one in slot 2 and one in slot 7. It's up
- User Guide Page 36
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- to you.
- Press RETURN to complete the selection of default satellites
- and move on to the PATH.
- Press ESC to finish CONFIG SYSTEM.
- Remember, the Page Up and Page Down keys select the slot, the
- arrow keys select the satellite to go into the slot, the home
- key clears a slot, and the RETURN key finishes the default
- satellite selection process.
- This line tells PC-TRACK what disk drive and what directories
- and subdirectory on that disk to use as the storage area for the
- data files it uses. This line of text will be in the form of an
- MS-DOS path name. If you have PC-TRACK on your C drive and you
- have a special subdirectory called "\TRACK\DATA", then you would
- enter "C:\TRACK\DATA\" on this line. The path defined here is
- where PC-TRACK will look for the OBJECTS.DAT and OBSERVER.DAT
- files.
- NOTE: If you enter a non-existent path, an error window will
- appear and will indicate that fact. You must press RETURN at
- this point and try again. If you cannot remember what the path
- is, you can just clear the line out by using the BACKSPACE,
- DELETE, OR CTRL X keys. This will specify the default path.
- This line tells PC-TRACK what disk drive and what directories
- and subdirectory on that disk to use as the storage area for the
- map and globe files it uses. This line of text will also be in
- the form of an MS-DOS path name. This is entered exactly the same
- as described above.
- See the note above on non-existent paths.
- This tells PC-TRACK to use either metric (meters and kilometers)
- or English (feet and statute miles) measurements for distance.
- Press the INSert key to change the answer or RETURN to move to
- another parameter, and ESC to finish the CONFIG SYSTEM option.
- User Guide Page 37
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- This tells PC-TRACK to interpret the date and time displayed as
- Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or Local Time. Either 'UTC' or
- 'LOCAL' will appear. When using local time, PC-TRACK uses the
- time zone defined for the selected observation point to compute
- UTC time. This time zone is defined in the SETUP OBSERVERS
- option. If you select Local time display, PC-TRACK will add the
- time zone from the displayed time to get UTC time, since PC-TRACK
- must use UTC time internally to compute satellite data. All
- displays and printouts, however, will reflect the local time.
- As described above, you may press ESC any time to end the CONFIG
- SYSTEM option. You will be asked if everything is correct. At
- this point you may enter:
- 'Y' or RETURN to save the changes you have made and go back to
- the CONFIG menu.
- 'N' to go back and continue to make more changes.
- ESC to quit without saving the changes and go back to the
- CONFIG menu.
- User Guide Page 38
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- This option allows you to change the control codes sent to your
- printer to make it print the PC-TRACK reports correctly.
- Printer Codes
- Printer codes are sequences of special control characters sent to
- your printer. PC-TRACK displays and accepts them from you as the
- decimal equivalents of each control character separated by a
- slash (/). For example, the ESC character has a decimal value of
- 27 so it is shown on the screen as the number "27". Notice each
- print command has a code sequence to turn it on and one to turn
- it off. Some codes do not need to be turned off, so those
- portions are left blank.
- Some printers may not be capable of printing some of these
- features. In that case, leave the CODE TO TURN ON for that
- feature blank. You have up to 20 characters (including slashes)
- to define each of the codes.
- You may move the cursor around on the screen to the desired code
- sequence by using the arrow keys or just pressing RETURN.
- User Guide Page 39
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The information required by PC-TRACK can be obtained by
- requesting the "NASA PREDICTION BULLETIN" or the "TWO LINE
- ORBITAL ELEMENTS" for each of the satellites desired, referenced
- GREENBELT, MD. 20771
- You may also request a package of prediction bulletins for
- certain categories of satellites such as weather or amateur radio
- satellites rather than by individual CATALOG NUMBERS.
- If you do not know the CATALOG NUMBER of the satellites you wish
- to order data for, you can request the current "SATELLITE
- SITUATION REPORT". To the best of my knowledge, there is no
- charge for this document and it can be obtained from the above
- address.
- The Satellite Situation Report lists almost every satellite
- currently in orbit. Each satellite is cataloged by the
- International Designation and by Catalog number. It also lists
- the name, launch date, orbital period in minutes, inclination,
- apogee, perigee, and transmitting frequency. By using this
- document you can determine the catalog numbers of the satellites
- you wish to track with PC-TRACK.
- User Guide Page 40
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The data required by PC-TRACK is contained in the Two Line
- Orbital Elements. As described above, these elements are a part
- of the NASA Prediction Bulletin described in Appendix A. The
- following is an example of the format of the two line orbital
- elements received from NASA.
- 1 13923U 90153.41230725 0.00000215 11423-3 0 376
- 2 13923 98.7483 183.1938 0017844 74.4610 285.8536 14.22303248 9340
- Here are the pieces that PC-TRACK requires, broken out for
- you...
- LINE 1
- || RATE |
- || ----------
- 1 13923U 90153.41230725 0.00000215 11423-3 0 376
- | ------------ ---------------
- | | |
- (ignore letter)
- LINE 2
- | | | |
- | | OF NODE | OF PERIGEE | |
- ----| ------- -------- ------- ------- -------- -----------
- 2 13923 98.7483 183.1938 0017844 74.4610 285.8536 14.22603248 9340
- ---
- |
- AT EPOCH (ignore last digit)
- Notice that there is no decimal point printed for eccentricity.
- The decimal point goes in front of the number. For example, the
- number shown above for eccentricity would be entered as .0017844.
- User Guide Page 41
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The following are some terms used in the satellite tracking
- business and are described in layman's terms.
- The point in a satellite's orbit farthest from the Earth's
- center.
- The angular distance measured in the orbit plane, in the
- direction of motion of the satellite, from the point of
- intersection of the orbit and equatorial planes, to the perigee
- point. The perigee point is the point in the orbit where the
- satellite is closest to the earth's surface.
- Point at which the satellite crosses the equatorial plane from
- the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. (See also
- The angle measured in the plane of the horizon from true North
- clockwise to the vertical plane through the satellite.
- A 5 digit number assigned to a cataloged orbiting satellite. This
- number may be found in the NASA Satellite Situation Report and on
- the NASA Prediction Bulletins.
- Also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Local time at zero
- degrees longitude at the Greenwich Observatory, England. Uses
- 24 hour clock, ie. 2:00 pm is 1400 hrs.
- The point at which a satellite reaches its highest position or
- elevation in the sky relative to an observer. (Also known as the
- Closest Point of Approach)
- The angular distance from the equator to the satellite measured
- positive north and negative south.
- User Guide Page 42
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- The force exerted on a satellite by its passage through the
- atmosphere of the Earth, acting to slow the satellite down.
- The degree of flattening of the orbit or its departure from a
- circle. The greater the eccentricity, the more elliptical the
- orbit is.
- A tabulation of a series of points which define the position and
- motion of a satellite.
- A specific time and date which is used as a point of reference;
- the time at which an element set for a satellite was last
- updated.
- An imaginary plane running through the center of the earth and
- the Earth's equator.
- The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial
- plane, measured counter-clockwise. 0 (zero) degrees inclination
- would describe a satellite orbiting in the same direction as the
- Earth's rotation directly above the equator (orbit plane =
- equatorial plane). 90 degrees inclination would have the
- satellite orbiting directly over both poles of the earth (orbit
- plane displaced 90 degrees from the equatorial plane). An
- inclination of 180 degrees would have the satellite orbiting
- again directly over the equator, but in the opposite direction of
- the Earth's rotation.
- An internationally agreed upon naming convention for satellites.
- Contains the last two digits of the launch year, the launch
- number of the year and the piece of the launch, ie. A-indicates
- payload, B-the rocket booster, or second payload, etc.
- Also called the geodetic latitude. the angle between the
- perpendicular to the Earth's surface (plane of the horizon) at a
- User Guide Page 43
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- location and the equatorial plane of the earth.
- The angular distance from the Greenwich (zero degree) meridian,
- along the equator. This can is measured either east or west to
- the 180th meridian (180 degrees) or 0 to 360 degrees west. For
- example, Ohio includes 85 degrees west longitude, while India
- includes 85 degrees east longitude. But 85 degrees east longitude
- could also be measured as 275 degrees west longitude.
- Angular distance measured in the orbit plane, in the direction of
- motion, from the perigee point to the satellite's mean position.
- The number of complete revolutions a satellite makes in a given
- unit of time, usually measured in revolutions per day. (see also
- Report published by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center providing
- latest orbital information on a particular satellite. This report
- gives information in 3 parts: 1) two line orbital elements, 2)
- Longitude of the South to North equatorial crossings, and 3)
- longitude and heights of the satellite crossings for other
- latitudes (besides the 0 degree latitude shown in part two).
- A satellite. Something in space to be tracked.
- Also called Classical Elements, Satellite Elements, Element Set,
- etc. Includes the catalog Number; epoch year, day, and fraction
- of day; period decay rate; argument of perigee, inclination,
- eccentricity; right ascension of ascending node; mean anomaly;
- mean motion; revolution number at epoch; and element set number.
- This data is contained in the TWO LINE ORBITAL ELEMENTS provided
- by NASA in the NASA Prediction Bulletin.
- Also known as Decay. This is the tendency of a satellite to lose
- orbital velocity due to the influence of atmospheric drag and
- gravitational forces. A decaying satellite eventually impacts
- with the surface of the Earth or burns up in the atmosphere. This
- parameter directly affects the satellite's MEAN MOTION. It is
- measured in various ways but PC-TRACK , the NASA Prediction
- User Guide Page 44
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- Bulletins and the Two Line Orbital Elements use revolutions per
- day per day.
- The point in the satellite's orbit where it is closest to the
- surface of the earth.
- Satellite motion which is in the same direction as the rotation
- of the Earth.
- Satellite motion which is opposite in direction to the rotation
- of the Earth.
- The number of revolutions or ascending node passages that a
- satellite has completed at the time (epoch) of the element set
- since it was launched. The orbit number from launch to the first
- ascending node is designated zero, thereafter the number
- increases by one at each ascending node.
- The angular distance from the vernal equinox measured eastward in
- the equatorial plane to the point of intersection of the orbit
- plane where the satellite crosses the equatorial plane from south
- to north.
- A report published by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center listing
- all known man-made Earth orbiting satellites. This report lists
- the Catalog Number, International Designator, Name, Country of
- origin, launch date, orbital period, inclination, beacon
- frequency, and status (orbiting or decayed).
- Location of the point of intersection of the earth's surface by a
- line between the center of the earth and the satellite (the point
- on the earth directly beneath the satellite).
- Also known as the first point of Aries, being the point where the
- Sun crosses the Earth's equator going from south to north in the
- User Guide Page 45
- PC-TRACK 2.14 Simplified Satellite Tracking
- spring. This point is fixed and represents the reference axis of
- a coordinate system used in Astronomy and Astrodynamics.
- User Guide Page 46